Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Utah Family Photographer (H Family)

Meet Garret, our nephew.

Garrett is 16 years old, kind, caring, funny, witty, handsome.  He loves trains more than anything in the world (beside his Mom, of course, who he loves to take on shopping dates).  

Garrett also has autism.

This boy stole my heart years ago when I married Kenneth. I love their girls too, of course.
 But Garrett is just...

well... he's just Garrett.

Can you believe all the children in this family are adopted?  They all look exactly like their parents.  Uncanny, really.

Thanks for letting me capture your family!  It was a pleasure.


  1. I love that first photo of Garrett. Great job, Betina!

  2. These are wonderful! Beautiful family!!!

  3. That first photo is awesome. Very harry potteresque.
